Logo Project
Logo Project
The logo design project in an opportunity for each student to experiment with prior knowledge gained from the Notan and Gestalt assignments.
Use of positive/negative space is key for success.
Logos are brand identity
The designs that are used, the colors, fonts, and styling all lend to create the “feel” of the brand
Just as different fonts are used for different occasions, logos attempt to convey the company with a very small amount of information.
Logotype vs Logomark
There are a couple types of logos: logotypes and logomarks. Here is the breakdown between the two types.
This will be a two-part project. Part one is creating Logotypes and the second part is creating Logomarks.
Design Process
Each student will be first designing a series of fonts, then a logotype and a logomark.
Logotype Assignment
Step 1
- Each student will explore creating fonts by first choosing a letter and creating a variety of that one letter.
- The letter design will be explored using:
- thick
- thin
- rounded
- angular
There will be three different versions of the letter in each style: three thick, three thin, three rounded and three angular for a total of 12 versions of the same letter
Example of Step 1:
Step 2
- Each student will design a font style and use 5 vowels and 5 consonants to display the font. The example image above shows different letters but with a consistent styling
- Each vowel and consonant will need to have a minimum of three versions
- Total of 30 thumbnails
- It is important that each student see their progression: ALL thumbnail sketches of each letter must be kept and turned in both to Canvas digitally as well as in hard-copy form. The letters’ design will be worked out on graph paper and should have a unified look
- Final versions will be completed in ink. Please put thought and attention to detail in your designs.
- Using the paper handed out in class, decide what size and proportion you would like to make your thumbnails sketches. It is recommended that they are not bigger than 2″x2″
- Compasses can be used if curves and circles are needed for a design
- Online Font examples
This is something new for everyone to try. Do not rush through the process, it will take focus and thought in order to make something visually interesting Making simple adjustments to an angle, line thickness or curve will give the letter a different look. Please design with intention
Logomark Assignment
- Each student will create two logomark for each pathway: FTHS Art, DTECH, GRAFX, Bioscience.
- A total of eight logomarks will be completed.
- It is important that each student see their progression: ALL thumbnail sketches of each logo must be kept and turned in both to Canvas digitally as well as in hard-copy form
- Using the paper handed out in class, decide what size and proportion you would like to make your thumbnails sketches. It is recommended that thumbnails are no larger than 2″x2″
- Compasses can be used if curves and circles are needed for a design