Jackson Reyes
I am a junior year DMAD student who seeks to make art that can be seen in many different facets. Life is a subjective experience, where actions and events can be seen in various ways. Everyone has their own reasons for acting in a certain way whether they realize it or not and, likewise, everyone has their own view of the world. I seek to express this belief system in his artwork. You can often find a kink or cranny in my abstract artwork that represents some idea or paradigm of the world.
I am inspired by neuroscientist Andrew Huberman and his podcast. Listening to him has taught me that there is so much more to life than we think there is. For example, in one podcast he went through the science of breathing for 2 hours and how it can help your physical and mental health. There really is that much useful information on breathing that most don’t know about. It makes me wonder about the world and everything that we don’t know. That’s why I seek to make art that can be interpreted differently, to show how little we really know or understand about the world and its makeup.
I am currently not enrolled in a DTech classroom. I wish to continue on new projects senior year. Right now I am learning more about electronic art as well as photography in DMAD so I can make even better artwork or products.